
Thursday, November 1, 2012

Halloween + K4 Class + Nursing Home = Awesome!

So the K3, K4, and K5 classes at Shane's school planned a special outing to the local nursing homes on Halloween to show their cute costumes and to sing some fun Halloween songs and poems.  They do this every year.  It is so fun and so cute!

I was soooo bummed because I wasn't going to get to go this time.  And it was Shane's first time to go!  But I had to work . . . Responsibility . . . yuck!  I had arranged for my sweet friend, Myra, to videotape the whole thing so I wouldn't miss it entirely. . . .  but lucky me (not really)  I woke up sick that morning with really high (156/110) blood pressure so I decided to cancel work and go to the doctor instead.  I really wasn't feeling good at all . . . That morning I managed to get the boys dressed in their halloween costumes (I already had them planned) but I still took Shane to school without any shoes!  Ha!  No Shoes!  And I left all the goody bags at home too!  So before I went to the doctor, I had to drive back to the country and get Shane some shoes (and his coat!) and the goody bags.  I kept expecting to get a call from DHS!  I really wasn't thinking too clearly that morning! 

Luckily for me . . . the doctor's office happens to be right next door to one of the nursing homes so I got to see part of the children's performance!  And the doctor changed my blood pressure medication so hopefully I'll start to feel better soon.  My blood pressure has been consistently high for a few weeks now and the medicine I was taking didn't seem to be helping.

Of course, with 3 little boys in my life, my blood pressure is bound to be high some of the time!  Just look at Shane in these pictures.  For some reason . . . Shane slowly moved to the back . . . behind his friends . . . making it difficult to get any cute pictures of him.

Notice him peeking around the batgirl in the picture above . . . and she's looking at him like -- what are you doing . . . Ha!

And at some point, he started turning to the side.  All the other children were facing the front and singing . . . my little vampire, however, was turned away and definitely not singing.

I wonder if I'm already embarrassing him . . . this early in his life . . . does he really care -- at 4 years old -- that his crazy old mother loves to record every moment of his childhood ?

Luckily, every once in a while, my little vampire would face the front and I was able to get a picture.

But my sweet little vampire still wouldn't sing any songs!

No singing . . . no motions . . . no smiling . . .

But I still love my little vampire . . . my little Shane!  Even as moody and weird as he can be!

Toward the end of the performance, Shane had shrunk to the ground!  You can't even see him in this picture!  He's on the floor behind batgirl!  Ha!

After they were through singing at the nursing home by the hospital, the bus took them to the other nursing home just outside of town.  I went back to the doctor's office, but I'm so happy I got to see part of their performance . . . even if Shane didn't perform!  Ha!

Such is my life with a tempermental, opinionated four year old!

More Halloween fun to come from

                         the Ferrell Boys and Me!

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