I've been re-doing each of the boys' bedrooms. Alex was my last one to do, and I had purchased everything I needed to do the makeover. My only problem in getting started was Alex and his messy room.
I had told Alex that I wouldn't start on his room until he cleaned it up. Nana came over one day and helped him get it straightened. I bought the paint. And then it was wrecked again. LoL.
The weekend before Thanksgiving, I coerced my daddy into helping me paint Alex's room. Alex chose a military theme for his room so I picked out a medium dark green for his walls. With my daddy's help, I got Alex's room painted and ready to decorate.
I positioned Alex's bed in front of his bedroom window. That's the one wall we haven't ever put his bed, and he wanted something different. He's grinning big because I swapped out his mattress and boxspring with mine and Dave's old mattress and boxspring. It was only a couple of years old, and we hated it. The boys thought our mattress was awesome. We hated it. Dave surprised me on Christmas eve with a new mattress and boxspring. Alex immediately asked for our old one. He got it. Now I have his old mattress and boxspring leaning against the wall in my dining room. LoL.
After positioning his bed in front of his window, I hung some camouflage army netting over the window.
The netting has a green side and a brown side. Alex and I decided to hang it with the brown side showing to provide some contrast with the green walls.
I had taken some of Dave's military items, such as, dog tags, patches, medals, etc, and put them in shadowboxes to display in Alex's room.
We hung them to the right of Alex's window. I had ordered some military vinyl cut-outs from Amazon a few months ago, and we put some of those around the shadowboxes.
I bought a lamp and lampshade at dollar general and some military figures at Walmart (I think).
I sat down with a glue gun and creatively glued the little plastic figures to the lamp.
We hung the plane and helicopter from the lampshade.
Alex loved his lamp. :-D And it helped to complete that corner of his room.
We hung the rest of the vinyl stickers, the army flag, and other items I've collected.
Portrait of a happy boy.
I've still have some more to do to finish his room, but I got a lot done this weekend. Alex wants me to camouflage a couple of his walls. :-/ I'm not too eager to start that project.
Until then, I'll be patching the walls and touching up the paint in Shane and Zach's rooms. These boys of mine are rough on the walls in my house. LoL.
But that's what it's like when you live with
. . . .the Ferrell boys and me!